Team Approach
Christy’s childhood was dominated by the devastating effects of her family’s IRS issues. Having lived with uncertainty and fear for her family’s future as a child, as an adult Christy dedicated her energies to helping others avoid the overwhelming, life-altering situation that her family endured. While working for a local law firm in Anchorage, Alaska, Christy realized that the fields of tax law, estate planning and probate, and business legal matters were all inextricably entwined and that the client is best served with an integrated, proactive approach individually tailored to meet his or her specific needs.
Subsequently, in 2009, Christy opened a tax boutique in Anchorage. After a brief period, however, she decided that clients in other states could take advantage of Alaska’s liberal policies regarding the formation of Alaska asset protection trusts and other financial concerns. Her Fort Worth, Texas, office opened soon thereafter.
Christy founded her practice on the belief that a person experiencing IRS-related issues has the right to effective legal representation. From her childhood experience, she understood that tax mistakes frequently occur because of the taxpayer’s lack of guidance and knowledge, not necessarily because of a deliberate intent to defraud the government.
From this conviction was borne an advanced, progressive tax boutique whose staff caters to the needs of the client while ensuring compliance and cooperation with Internal Revenue Code and federal and state statutes. Our emphasis falls on protection of the client’s rights within the scope of observance of the law.
Christy believes that a team approach creates the highest likelihood of favorably resolving IRS tax problems and business disputes. Our team members vary, depending on the nature and complexity of the case, but can include some or all of the following:
Former IRS agents, auditors, and officers.
Veteran CPAs.
Forensic accountants.
Financial investigators.
Professional writers.
And experts in relevant industries.
The firm maintains state-of-the-art office technology, including computer systems, video conferencing, and Web-based research tools. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, we are able to deliver the highest quality services in the most efficient manner possible.
We focus on basic procedures for effectively resolving our clients’ issues while tailoring our services to each client’s individual needs. In our communications with you, we rely on clear, everyday language to avoid misunderstanding and the accompanying expense to the client. During your consultation, we do the following:
Listen carefully to your situation, then ask relevant questions, so that we are knowledgeable about your history, the development of the problem, and any complicating factors potentially impinging on a successful resolution.
Collect information from relevant sources to ensure that we have a clear perspective of the situation.
Discuss with you favorable strategies for resolution and their possible outcomes.
And launch the approach best suited to your needs.
Our goal remains consistent: to render quality, professional services to our clients through individualized attention, backed by experience, current knowledge of the law, technology, and resources.