A Tax Attorney’s New Years Blessing On You!

by | Jan 18, 2019 | Cracking the Tax Code with Christy | 0 comments

May you be forced to consume much black ink when printing out your account ledgers.

May you have the opportunity to turn to red ink when it benefits you the most.

May your banker be lenient with reimbursements of fees and empathetic regarding your capital needs.

May your investment advisor know when to hold and when to fold.

May your bookkeeper understand the urgency of retaining original receipts in a neat and orderly fashion.

May your accountant know tax regulations . . . and all the loopholes therein.

May your CPA correctly prepare all your IRS filings, so they do not trigger audits.

May you remain under the IRS radar throughout the next twelve months and beyond.

And may you be gifted with the foresight, wisdom, and ability to file and pay your taxes on schedule, all the better to avoid late penalties and interest and the scrutiny of a force much greater than any other known on earth.

If this blessing is not sufficient to ensure your financial peace of mind in 2018, drop by to chat with us at Law Offices of Christy Lee, P.C.!