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Individual Income Tax Returns
Faced with an IRS audit of your individual tax return? If you’re worried that the audit will not end in your favor, consider calling Law Offices of Christy Lee, P.C. We can maximize your chances of achieving favorable results while minimizing the chance that the IRS will decide to include expanding the audit to all other years allowable by law.
Below is our approach to ensure that IRS treats you fairly:
- We take both offensive and defensive actions to enhance the odds of a satisfactory resolution for you, and we educate you as to preventative measures, so that you are not caught in a never-ending cycle of IRS audits, penalties, and interest.
- Our team of tax professionals, including tax attorneys, former IRS agents, accountants, and legal aides, assess the tax return under audit and verify that the information reported to the IRS is accurate. This step usually includes reviews of receipts, statements from your financial institution, and whether there were legitimate deductions that your tax preparer overlooked.
- To ensure that the IRS receives only the information relevant to the audit in progress, we review all documentation related to your case, and we conduct all telephonic and written communications with the IRS. This way, we manage the flow of facts to and from the IRS.
- We implement disclosure only when required. And while the IRS agents are trained to act predictably in given situations, our tax professionals approach your case with comprehensive skill gained through long-term experience and study. Thus, we can apply legal arguments from outside the mainstream base of knowledge and help protect your rights as a taxpayer while obtaining the best possible settlement for your case.
- If your IRS issue requires it, we will pursue a fair arrangement for you through the Appeals process. Your odds of winning an appeal greatly increase when you are defended by a dedicated team thoroughly versed in tax law. We will prepare the required forms and letters to the IRS and appear on your behalf at scheduled hearings. If required, we will obtain documentation concerning your case on file with the IRS through the Freedom of Information Act.
- If a fair resolution cannot be reached, we will represent you in court.
- And, of course, we advise you on ways to lessen your chances of adverse IRS action in the future.
Our goal is to minimize the stress and interference in your personal life during the audit, while at the same time securing a favorable outcome and encountering little risk that the IRS will expand the audit beyond the years already under examination. Handled with professional care, your audit should not be a taxing experience.
Why Should You Contact Law Offices of Christy Lee, P.C.?
When facing IRS Audits & Appeals, it’s reassuring to have a tax professional on your side that understands the complexities of the law.
We Focus Our Practice On The Highly Complicated Field Of Tax Law
As a general rule, taxpayers who seek our legal advice concerning their tax obligations early in the IRS audit achieve substantially more favorable results than those who face such challenges alone.
We Communicate With The IRS On Your Behalf
We ensure that you don’t misinterpret questions from the auditors and inadvertently provide information that could be harmful to your case.
We Mount An Effective Defense
You can have supreme confidence in our ability to establish an effective defense for your case due to our collective knowledge regarding the intricacies of tax law.
We Keep Abreast Of Current Developments Concerning Tax law
Tax law routinely updates and changes. For that reason, the team at Christy Lee Law is always up to speed on current developments so that we may find and utilize key advantages of the law.
We Remain Committed To Client Benefits
We mark and utilize every benefit afforded to business owners as it relates to the Internal Revenue Code. We stand by that commitment to our clients.
Disclaimer: Material contained in this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as legal advice. The content does not constitute an attorney-client relationship between the user and Law Offices of Christy Lee, P.C., and users should not act on the content without seeking legal counsel in their own jurisdictions.